'I'... comes after H and before J..but in reality..I comes before everything and everyone. Some people accept it and take pride in loving thyselves, others deny it and coin words such as egotist, egoist, narcissist and many more and want to stand out of the 'egotistic' clan...now ain't that ego again...the desire to stand apart..
I believe that everything one wants to become or do is not for anybody else but for feeding the fire one has burning inside. More the fire,more desperate are the measures. SO people who are happy with what they are and knowingly or unknowingly try to cease the scathing flames are nothing but hopeless losers. I believe in just running.
I believe that man IS an island but ironically 99% of the crowd is afraid of staying alone, afraid of not being a part of the mob. Why? Why the urge to conform to foolish age old notions. Is it the fear of the unknown or the spastic and impotent brain of humans?
I believe that love is ephemeral, initiated by lust and later replaced by indifference, but again the desire to look good in the "EYES OF THE OTHERS", makes the "couples" stick together like badly filed pieces of rusted iron. SO I wait for that person whose face does not repel me and make me sprint out of bed when I see it first thing in the morning.
I believe that I do charity, not because I believe that my currency is going to make the beggar/con artist rich, but because I can not bear to see them spreading there femished hands before me who in contrast blows his money in every way possible(well apart from visiting harlots, again because I don't think I can get an erection by paying someone to do it for me..EGO you see).
But then I believe in a lot of other things, some beliefs are conventional and some make "radical" look like a soft sounding monosyllabilic word..
Some Thing about ME
Theres always two sides of everything...the Right and the Wrong
I decide what is wrong 'with me' or 'for me'..as far as 'with me' is concern nothing's wrong with me and 'for me' nobody has the authority to decide except me..so why bother saying this is BAD for you.